Meaning, List And Its Examples Of Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite Pronoun

Do you know we use list of indefinite pronouns in our day-to-day lives?

Suppose a person forgot a pen in the exam hall and he needs it to finish the exam on time. So, how does he ask for help?

He can say, “Does anybody have an extra pen?”

So, do you know the word anybody used here is one of the type of pronoun? Yes, it is an indefinite pronoun and today, in this article, we will learn about “indefinite pronouns list, meaning, and its examples.”

Meaning of Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronouns point to an indefinite count of persons or objects.

It is used for anonymous persons or objects. The usage of indefinite pronoun is to replace the repetition of noun.

For Example: anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, something, nobody, nothing, few, little, all, some, both, enough, many, most, none, other…….  

indefinite pronouns in english

Indefinite Pronouns List

Indefinite PronounsUsed forPronouns used with indefinite pronounsTreated asUsage of Verb
No one
PersonHe, His, Him, HimselfSingular PronounSingular
ObjectIt, Its, ItselfSingular PronounSingular
OnePersonOne’s, OneselfSingular PronounSingular
Person & ObjectMostly nouns are usedPlural pronounPlural
Person & ObjectMostly nouns are usedEither Singular or Plural pronounSingular or plural verb depends on the noun
List of Indefinite pronouns

Examples of Indefinite Pronoun

  • Anyone can enroll in swimming classes.

    The above sentence “anyone” implies an unidentified person.
  • Nobody will surpass her typing record.

    In the above sentence “nobody” denotes an anonymous person.
  • Few were left in the queue to deposit cheques.

    In the above example, we don’t know how many people were left in the queue. So, the number of people is uncertain.
  • Everybody should meditate in the morning.

    In the above example, we don’t know the total count of the person. So, the number of persons is indefinite and it refers by “everybody”.
  • Most of us were having the same breakfast in the school.

    In this example, we don’t know the exact count of the person. So, here the count of persons is indefinite and it denotes by “most”.

Important Rules of Indefinite Pronouns

Usage of question tag in the sentence

  • If “Anybody, Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, Anyone, Everyone, Someone, No one” are used in the sentence then use “auxiliary verb + they” in the question tag. The question should be in plural form.

    Do not use “auxiliary verb + he” in the question tag.

For Example:

Everyone can register in the contest, can’t they? (Correct)

Everyone can register in the contest, can’t he? (Incorrect)

  • If “Anything, Everything, Something, Nothing” are used in the sentence then use “auxiliary verb + it” in the question tag. The treatment of question tag should be in singular form.

    Do not use “auxiliary verb + he / they” in the question tag.

For Example:

Something can fit in the drawer, can’t it? (Correct)

Something can fit in the drawer, can’t they? (Incorrect)

Practice Exercise

1. Fill in the blank with a suitable indefinite pronoun:
___________ should look after him.
a. Someone
b. Something
2. Fill in the blank with a suitable indefinite pronoun:
__________ has his way to deal with stress.
a. Everybody
b. Everything
3. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag:
Everything looks quite clean in the room, __________?
a. doesn’t it
b. doesn’t he
4. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag:
Anybody likes to organize the file, ___________?
a. don’t he?
b. don’t they?


Relative PronounAdjectives
Demonstrative PronounDistributive Pronoun
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