Distributive Pronoun and its Examples

Distributive Pronoun

Do you know distributive pronoun is one of the types of pronouns? And do you know we use distributive pronoun examples in practical situations? So, let’s understand this topic with the help of an example.

Do you all remember how students used to distribute toffees or chocolates on birthdays in school and how the teacher said to a birthday kid – “Distribute toffees to each of the kids.”

So, do you know the word “each” used in the sentence is a kind of pronoun?

Yes! It falls under the distributive pronoun. So, in this article, we will learn more about distributive pronouns and their examples.

Meaning of Distributive Pronoun

Distributive Pronouns are used to give information distinctly to an individual from two or above two persons or objects.

A singular verb applies to distributive pronouns.

Distributive Pronouns Examples

list of distributive pronoun
Distributive Pronoun Examples


Application: for two or greater than two persons or objects.

For Example:

  • Each of the two girls has done her assignment excellently.
  • Each of the students has their uniqueness.
  • Each of the people has its strength.


Application: for more than two persons or an object.

For Example:

  • Everyone of all four sellers opens the shops at the same time.
  • Everyone of all three students achieved distinction in academics.
  • Everyone of all six mountain climbers reached the top of Mount Everest.

Any, Anyone

Application: consideration of one person or object from over two persons or objects.

For Example:

  • Any of these three girls will win the race.
  • He is more efficient than anyone of his five friends.
  • My refrigerator gives more cooling than any of these four refrigerators in this shop.


Application: more than two persons or objects are used in the sentence, but no one will be considered from them.

For Example:

  • None of these three keyboards works properly.
  • None of the five employees achieved a target before the deadline.
  • None of these seven bottles of lemonade is chilled.


Application: selection of any one person or an object from only two persons or entities.

For Example:

  • Either of these two boys is qualifying for the contest.
  • Either of the two states may receive the snowfall first.
  • Either of the two songs will get the highest popularity.


Application: no one will be considered from two persons or objects.

For Example:

  • Neither of the two mobiles fit in my pocket.
  • Neither of these two juices is healthy for a diabetic person.
  • Neither of the two girls forgets the recital of the poem.

Distributive Pronouns Vs Distributive Adjectives

Basis Distributive PronounsDistributive Adjectives
PositionDistributive Pronouns are positioned in place of nouns in the sentence.Distributive Adjectives are placed before the noun.
ExampleEach of the kids has his own skills.Each kid participates in the relay race.

Practice Exercise

1. Fill in the blank with a suitable distributive pronoun:
____________ of these two toys is dirty.
a) Either
b) Everyone
2. Fill in the blank with a suitable distributive pronoun:
____________ of the four gifts has a red ball.
a) Neither
b) None
3. Correct the following sentences:
None of those two rabbits are quick.
4. Correct the following sentences:
Each of the six girls attended the graduation ceremony.


Reciprocal PronounIndefinite Pronoun
Personal PronounEmphatic Pronoun
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