Definition Of Interrogative Pronoun And Its Examples With List

Interrogative Pronoun

Whenever we want to have a conversation with someone, moreover we start the conversation with some common questions like – “What is your name?” or “How is your day?” and many others. But do you know these words such as “What” or “How” are pronouns? Yes, these are specifically interrogative pronouns. So, in this article, we will learn about interrogative pronoun definition and examples with its list.

Definition of Interrogative Pronoun

Interrogative pronouns are used in the sentence when there is a need to inquire about something. We can say that interrogative pronouns are used whenever we want to ask a query to someone.

So, now we will learn about the list of interrogative pronoun with examples.

List of Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative pronoun

Examples of Interrogative Pronoun


What – used to discover the subject or object of the sentence.

For Example:

  • What do you need to complete this puzzle?

    In this example, “what” is used to reveal the subject in the sentence.

A preposition can be used at the end of the sentence.

For Example:

  • What is your strategy to break in?

    In this example, the preposition “in” is at the end of the sentence.


Which- used for preference, opinion, selection and to find out the subject or object in the sentence.

For Example:

  • Which fruit do you like the most?

    In this example, “which” is used to find out the choice.

A preposition can also be used at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

For Example:

  • Which office do you work in?                   (Here, a preposition is at the end of the sentence)
  • In which office do you work?                   (Here, a preposition is at the start of the sentence)


Who- used to identify the subject in the sentence.

For Example:

  • Who helped her to decorate the pottery?

    In this example, “who” is placed here to determine the person who helped her to decorate the pottery.

When we are using “who”, we can use the preposition at the end of the sentence.

For Example:

  • Who came in?

    In this example, the preposition “in” is at the end of the question.


Whom – used to determine the object of the sentence.

For Example:

  • Whom did you watch on the T.V.?

When we are considering “whom”, we have to use the preposition at the beginning of the sentence.

For Example:

  • To whom did you bid farewell?


Whose – used to find the custodian of the object or person.

For Example:

  • Whose book is this?

    In this example, “whose” is used to find out the owner of the book.

Practice Exercise

3. __________ is sitting beside her? (Which / Who)
2. __________ car parked in the garden? (What / Whose)
5. __________ did you finally go with shopping? (Who / What)
4. __________ won the lemon race?(Who / Whose)
5. __________ did you finally go with the shopping?(Whom / What)
6. __________ book do you want to gift your mother in addition to the greeting card?(What / Which)
7. __________ do you need besides glue to fix this toy? (Which / What)
8. __________ notebook you borrowed finally?(What / Whom)


Emphatic PronounIndefinite Pronoun
Relative PronounNoun
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